Additional specific topics include : constructing and modeling of genetic networks , lambda phage as a genetic switch , synthetic genetic switches , circadian rhythms , reaction diffusion equations , local activation and global inhibition models , center finding networks , general pattern formation models , modeling cell - cell communication , quorum sensing , and finally , models for drosophila development 外加的特定题目尚有:建构基因网络的模型、以嗜菌体作为基因开关、合成基因开关、日夜节律、反应扩散方程式、局部活化和整体抑制模型、中心寻找网络、整体型式生成模型、细胞间讯息互换的建模、数量感应,最后也将探讨果蝇的发育模型。
lambda phageとは意味:ラムダファージ lambda phage meaning:[Medicine] A temperate inducible phage and type species of the genus lambda-like Viruses,in the family SIPHOVIRIDAE. Its natural host is E. coli K12. Its virion contains linear double-stranded DNA wit...lambda phage 뜻:박테리오파지 λlambda phage перевод:Фаг лямбда